Friday, September 11, 2009

It's been a while since I sat down to write. Today being the 8th anniversary of the attacks on 9/11/01 struck a nerve with me that I felt I needed to share.

I remember where I was. Exactly. Sitting in my office I had been on the phone probably yelling at someone about something (can't remember who or what now) when my cell rang. One of my best friends at the time was calling to ask if I was watching the news. I turned to my small office TV and flipped it on. Foxnews was showing the 1st tower smoking. People were screaming and running. Then the second plane hit. While we were on the phone he stated "OH my God... My Dad is there this morning.". It took them 20 hours to get ahold of him. He had been in the atrium between the two towers eating breakfast. Everyone at the table next to him had been killed when something fell on it.

I remember work stopped that day. Nobody could care less what else was happening. We were all riveted to the TV. I didn't receive another phone call in regards to business for two days. That day. That single day shook the world. I remember the palestinians and people throughout the middle east dancing in the street and tossing candy like this was Mardi Gras. I know the feeling that got us into this war. I remember why. I wish our politicians did.

I now look back on all of that and wonder. What really happened? Not whether or not the government did it. To me that notion is ridiculous. This is the same group that can't manage the cars for clunker program and they were supposed to have run the most sophisticated false flag operation in the history of the world... Yeah right...

No I mean someone knew. Someone let this happen. Either thru ignorance or stupidity or true evil intent. It doesn't really matter which. The result is all the same. I wonder what really went on. Afterwards and still to this day congress and the intel agencies pointed fingers and ran and hid. Whether thru shame or simple cowardice I have no idea. But it was no one's "fault" according to all them...

Today the question is what has happened? I saw a post on Facebook this morning claiming the whole 9/11 terrorist attacks cost Osama $500,000.00 according to Osama's own bragging. If that is true think about it. Since that day we have lost TRILLIONS in economic income. Spent ourselves into what over $56trillion in deficit spending? Lost how many sons, daughters, fathers, and husbands in who knows how many countries around the globe. To believe we are only fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq is the very height of ignorance and stupidity. Our country has swung from the NeoCon right to the National Socialist left in those 8 years. We have forever changed our country. So much so that unlike Pearl Harbor or the assassination of Kennedy we can look back on this singular event and divide our countries history there at that point. Before 9/11 and after.

Today... Today... We look around and see an argument out of control over health insurance. Stimulus spending beyond all imagination. Troops being thrown into a war we cannot even identify. Billions and billions are being spent in an effort to defeat what?

The very idea of a war on terror is ridiculous. A war on an idea? A war on a misidentified and purposefully misconstrued religious thought? A war on what is what we should be asking. What have we allowed this country to become after 9/11? What have we done to our founding documents? What have we done to our ideals and strength and independence that existed before 9/11?

We live now in a state that seeks to take care of us from cradle to grave. Your healthcare is too important to be entrusted to the simple minded and common people. We can spend our way into prosperity is what we are told now. We must send more troops into Afghanistan. Remove more from Iraq. Add bases around the world. Spend more to impress our will on others around the globe.

What will happen now? Have we been attacked since 9/11 and they have not told us? The constant outbreaks of ecoli in the last few years is one point of question. The shootings by muslims throughout the country. The attacks on pastors during services. What exactly has happened? Can we trust them to tell us? Or is this what Eisenhower was warning us about with the military industrial complex?

What kind of country will we leave our children and grand children? Can we look to the future and the costs and the impact these flawed and socialistic and even nationalistic policies will have? Can we for one instant as a nation take our minds off ourselves off our needs right here right now and think for one moment about the future? Is it too much to ask our President to simply stop and think? Our leaders?

I cannot think of 9/11 and wonder if this is not punishment? If this is not the beginning of the removal of providential protection from a country that was once a great Christian nation. Obama is right. We are not a Christian nation. He says it with pride though. I think it and tremble in fear.

While we rush headlong into this uncertain future let us stop and pray for guidance. This country was founded on the simple idea that there is an all knowing, omnipresent, guiding in the lives of men God. The God of the Bible. This country was founded by Bible believing men and women who looked forward to the future and the building of Christ's kingdom here on earth.

I pray this morning simply:

God our Father forgive us. We have turned from You. We have worshipped at the altar of false gods. We have sacrificed our children. We have sinfully pursued our own selfish desires. We deserve your wrath. Yet God we beg your forgiveness. We beg you to change the hearts and minds of the people of our nation. Without Your guiding hand on our nation we will continue to crumble. We will continue to suffer at the hands of those who hate You.

God forgive us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these thoughts, James. This is a great day to reflect, more than anything else, on our need to repent before our great and holy God.
